Sunday, May 1, 2011

Thought of the Day

Merging one's happiness into that of others
is called 'LOVE'
                                                "Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya"

Sahaj Shankh Mudra
Join both hands together interlocking the fingers and press the palms together. Apply a gentle pressure with both the thumbs by laying them parallel to each other on the index finger. This forms the Sahaja Shankh Mudra.

According to Yoga physiology, all 10 main nerves get activated and the body becomes very strong. The ten nerves are Sushumna, Ida, Pingala, Gandhari, Hasti, Jiva, Poosha, Yashwini, Alamboosha, Kuhoo and Shankini

* There is growth in alertness
* It cures piles and problems related to the anus
* The spinal cord becomes straight and gains flexibility
* This mudra helps in solving problems related to speech, voice, digestive power, stomach and intestine

Rejuvenation without Medicines

This booklet on "Rejuvenation without Medicines" presents the diagnosis of the cause of weakness and disaese; and gives practical suggestions for improving health, vigour and longevity and ultimately attaining integral rejuvenation

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