Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Foundational Emblems of Indian Culture: Shikha and Sutra (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 21)


Now we should also understand and propagate the importance of wearing the sutra and keeping shikha.

Initially when I used to explain some points on its underlying philosophy and science while conducting a yagya, people used to find it very unusual.

They would request me - "Why don't you just complete the rituals; we have come to offer the ahutis in the sacred fire of yagya; what have we to do with all the teachings and scientific effects?"

There was strong opposition from several swamis and pandits to my allowing women, and people from all castes and cults, to chant the Gayatri Mantra and participate in yagya.

But you see our impact now!!

Truth and righteous attempts cannot be checkmated by anyone for long.

Now you see thousands of women priests, ably conducting and guiding Gayatri Yagyas and the Vedic sacraments under the banner of this mission.

People from all walks of society, all creeds, live together, work together, like members of a large family, in this organization.

We have just lit the torch of truth and knowledge; humbly attempted the renaissance of the divine Rishi culture.

You all have to spread its light across the globe.

Do this by spreading the disciplines of shikha and sutra.