Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The Practical Aspect of Dhyan Yoga (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 18)


You usually think that you have great love for your children. But, that also is a delusion.

You mostly have attachment to them. You consider providing them with worldly comforts and worldly means as the best expression of love for them. You relentlessly endeavor to amass wealth and possessions that you could bequeath to your children as tokens of your love!

But have you ever thought that wealth without virtues is a source of depravation?

Thus, by piling up comforts and pelf for your child, you simply make him a lustful, depraved and selfish person, who will spoil his own life and may become a burden for the society.

How can you say that you truly love your child?

Friends! Do you know what is love?

It is the sentiment of causeless joy derived from selflessly working for the welfare of beloved ones. It means giving; it means generosity, compassion, and selflessness.

Bhakti-yoga aims at awakening of this divine sentiment; it means cultivation and expansion of compassion, kindness, altruism and love for sentient beings.