Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The Supreme Significance of the Gayatri Mantra (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 09)

(Source: http://literature.awgp.org/akhandjyoti/2003/Jul_Aug/v1.SignificanceGayatriMantra)

My children! This is the grace of the divine force of the Gayatri Mantra that transforms an ordinary mortal being into a great, enlightened, angelic saint. The mantra enjoins us as to what should be our devotional sentiments, our prayers through the heart while performing the japa of this mantra.

It says - "Oh Almighty, Omniscient, Omnipresent God! May Thy supreme radiance be embodied in our souls. May it inspire our intellect towards the enlightened, righteous path". Since the time, this cosmic mantra, the boon of Lord Brahma, was manifested in the Vedic Age, it lead to the dawn of the divine culture on this earth. Those who practiced its devotional japa, and adopted its inspirations in life, received immense peace, blissful contentment, moral dignity, selfless love and amicable cooperation in every phase of life. Even today, everyone, including those deprived of everything, living in the filth of immorality, those shrouded by ignorance, infirmity or the challenges of circumstances, rise gracefully out of the clutches of misery with the grace of the Gayatri Mantra.