Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Lord Shiva and the Philosophy Associated with Him (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 24)


The Sanskrit word for devotional worship is "Upasana", which literally means sitting nearby.

Sitting near the fire makes us feel warm.

Similarly, sitting near God should inspire us with His attributes.

Sitting in the closed vicinity of a powerful source of energy would bestow the associated significant effects on us only if there is a linkage, a direct connection between the source and the beneficiary.

A piece of wood becomes fire only when it sacrifices itself in the fire nearby.

This is how "upasana" brings the desired results only if the devotee sets a live linkage of his inner self with the Deity of his worship. For this, he has to discipline and mold himself as per the inspirations of his God.

We, the aspirants of the blessings of Lord Shiva, should also consciously and ceaselessly attempt at transforming ourselves according to the ideals of His manifestation.

We should endeavor to open our third eye (that means, awaken our intuitive insight and pure intellect).