Thursday, July 4, 2019

The Foundational Emblems of Indian Culture: Shikha and Sutra (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 27)


I advise the parijans in Gayatri Pariwar to talk about these positive effects and teachings associated with shikha and sutra whenever they perform a yagya.

You should yourself adopt them in life.

These are the prime emblems of the great Vedic culture.

Having them with us is a sign of our being the inheritors of the great Rishis, the followers of the divine culture.

These remind us of the values and disciplines of human dignity.

Let people come and ask us about the necessity of these symbols of Hindu Religion. I am not against people's discerning quest. In fact, I have always encouraged it.

Unless religious philosophy justifies its relevance in logical ways in the light of prudence, it cannot serve the real purpose.
- It has to shed off the superstitions and unwise customs that have clouded and veiled its true light.
- It has to spread the sagacious light of its eternal power, the divine values hidden in its core.

We all, the believers, the theists need to resolutely work for this reformation and reconstruction on the religious and social fronts.

Let us begin this march with a revolutionary propagation of the culture of shikha and sutra.

|| Om Shanti ||