Monday, May 20, 2019

Lord Shiva and the Philosophy Associated with Him (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 22)


You all might have read a story in the holy Ramayana or in some other Shastric scripture, which mentions about Kamadeva being burnt into ashes due to the opening of Shiva's third eye.

Kamadeva had once tried to sinfully entice and influence Lord Shiva. Then, Lord Shiva just opened His third eye. The divine radiations emanating therefrom, instantly burnt the gross body of Kamadeva.

Have you ever thought about the truth behind this mythological anecdote?

It conveys the fact that the insidious force of erotic thoughts can be instantly checked and eliminated if our discerning prudence is awakened.

The opening of the third eye means awakening of our sagacity and creative activation of our inner wisdom.

The third eye is subtly located in the third dimension inside our brain.

It teaches us to look into the deeper aspects of every phenomenon, every thought and every experience.

Our ordinary eyes (the two eyes on our faces) see only extrovertly; they can only show us our materialistic gains and losses, or the worldly affairs, in the limited peripheries of our interactions. The needs of the body or the sense organs are easily seen by them.

But there is a third eye, which opens inward - It enables us to look deeper into the sublime folds of mind, and shows us the world of inner peace, everlasting happiness and absolute truth.

This is the eye of foresight and clairvoyance.