Monday, January 7, 2019

Awakening Divinity in Man (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 05)


Attempting to fulfill your desires is not bad per se, but is subject to one scrutiny - what is being desired, and what for? If they are for a worldly (materialistic) purpose then it is necessary to know whether you deserve the object of your desire, how would you digest it if received, and how will you utilize it? Man is prone to make mistakes but not the Gods. Deities can't bless you with things you often crave and ask for. Great personages, who had living contact with deities, did not generally benefit materially. What did they receive? The virtues of humanity, the seeds of divinity. The virtuous talents and powers thus acquired enabled them to progress. The cultivation of these noble qualities has allowed great men and women to accomplish what sounds impossible for a normal human being. With the growth of divinity in personality, anybody can reach great heights of glory in the worldly as well as spiritual domains. It is only the wise usage of your virtues that is important; it does not matter whether they are used in the spiritual or material field. Your qualities, deeds and nature are sources of power in themselves. Where and how to use them depends entirely upon your choice.