Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Purpose and Significance of Pilgrimage (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 03)


You think that just worshiping the God, and chanting some mantras, or reading devotional epics like the Ramayana would do everything towards your self-realization.


This itself is not sufficient to inculcate the susanskaras.

Sentiments, thoughts and corresponding actions – only the integration of all of these can complete the process of cultivation and sprouting of the noble sanskaras.

In fact, spirituality also means awakening and expression of susanskaras.

And, these are generated only by the righteous integration of knowledge (Gyana) and deeds (Karma).

- Divine prayers,
- worships,
- devotional practices,
- japa (rhythmic enunciation or chanting of mantras),
- meditation,
- swadhyaya (self-training through study of sagacious thoughts / teachings, and works of elevated souls), and
- satsang (being in good company; attending enlightening discourses, discussions on different aspects of life) pertain to what is essential for the knowledge aspect of sadhana.