Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Foundational Emblems of Indian Culture: Shikha and Sutra (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 26)


1. industriousness
2. humility
3. austerity
4. orderliness
5. cooperation
6. wisdom
7. integrity of character
8. sense of responsibility
9. courage

The remaining four qualities pertain to the mental and emotional spheres of life.

Wisdom incorporates thoroughness and maturity of attitude, and thinking.

Refinement of thoughts and aspirations are essential steps towards sagacious development of mind.

As you all know, integrity of character is a must if you are to gain the respect and cooperation of others, and achieve something worthwhile in life.

Sincerity, honesty and moral purity of the character, authenticity and trustworthiness in every aspect of personal, professional and social life are the yardsticks of the integrity of a person.

Gratitude for all the (direct or indirect) help received from Nature and society, at every step of your life, is what motivates you towards bearing your share of responsibilities.

Happily transact your duties towards the physical, mental and moral progress of your dependents and associates.

Do take care of contributing to and participating in the earnest activities of social welfare as well.

Many a times people think of courage and valor as some qualities required only in the battlefield.

Listen my children! We all need to have these qualities to struggle with and overcome our own vices first.

We should also have courage to oppose immoral practices around us; raise our voice against corruption, injustice and exploitation of the weaker sections of society in our areas of interactions.

If we can't do that individually, at least we must have the courage to join collective and organized efforts against the wrongs in the system.