Monday, July 22, 2019

The Spirit of Spring and Awakening of Kundalini (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 11)


I have only two dreams:
1. inculcation of divinity in humans, and
2. creation of divine life on the earth.

My supramental attainments of Shaktipata and Kundalini are dedicated only for materialization of these objectives and for nothing else.

Blossoming of Brahmvarchas in every dimension, every impulse of life – this is incarnation of divinity in the human self.

And what is the descent of heaven on the earth?

Well, heaven or paradise is not some God's capital (Vaikuntha) in the subtle world.

It can very well be created on this earth, in the very world we are living in.

The ambience and circumstances of a paradise are created wherever good people live in moral discipline, with mutual love and cooperation.

I wanted to build a model colony, village or town:
- where elevated personalities could live simple, happy, dignified lives, devoted to high ideals;
- where people could set a living example of what an altruistic, purposeful, glorious life, engaged in welfare of all, is like.

Gayatrinagar, Shantikunj amply demonstrates the realization of this dream.