Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Thought of The Day

The key to "Happiness" is not that U NEVER get Angry, Upset, Frustrated, Irritated or Depressed....
It is!  how FAST U Get Out of it...!

sms - inspirational thoughts from "Life_Positive" TD4SMSGupShup 

Air Bath

Air Bath (Morning / Evening Walk)
* External/Internal cleansing
* Better mental health gives positive thoughts
* Skin becomes healthy, soft & bright
* Muscles become stronger
* More blood supply to the heart, i.e.more blood purification
* Less pressure on heart - that's why people of all ages can do it
* Walking on clean, dew drenched grass makes eye-sight better
* Increased vital life force

* Walk in fresh air only
* Walk with empty stomach
* Don’t Talk when you Walk (Feel Oneness with Nature)
* Healthy person: 5-7 km/day (Gradually increasing from 1 km/day)
   Weak person: 0.5-1 km/day
* Speed: 1 km in 10 min
* Must do deep breathing during walking:
   Procedure (7:4:7)
  Inhale: 7 steps
  Hold: 4 steps
  Exhale: 7 steps
  (For Beginners - 4:2:6)

Dr. Rakesh Jindal, “Prakratik Ayurvigyan (Hindi)”, Arogya Seva Prakashan:Modinagar, 2005

Vyan Mudra

The tips of index finger and middle finger to be joined with the tip of the thumb

The current of air in the veins - Vyan Vayu, is said to be the circulator of blood in the body. When this air current starts moving very fast in the lungs, arteries and veins the disease is called uchcha raktachaap (high blood pressure). Performing Vyan Mudra 2-3 times a day, for 50 minutes each, followed by Pran Mudra for 15 minutes, helps in regulating blood pressure.

The speed of circulation of Vyan Vayu is regulated

 * Blood pressure, either high or low, is regulated and balanced
 * Lack of initiative, enthusiasm, slowness of thoughts and perception is corrected
 * Drowsiness, excessive sleep is overcome
 * Intolerance to heat, sunstroke can be averted
 * Excessive sweating, thirst, urination, loose motions and menorrhagia can be overcome
