Friday, July 19, 2019

The Spirit of Spring and Awakening of Kundalini (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 10)


Theism evolves in Brahmavarchas.

Brahmavarchas includes - awakening of the infinite powers hidden or dormant in the inner self by pure ascetic practices (tapa) of:
- self-discipline
- self-refinement and
- self-transformation.

The principles of Brahmavarchas incorporate:
- self-restraint over the sense organs (by observing austerity, fasting, chastity, etc.) at the gross level, and
- control and purification of the thoughts, aspirations and sentiments of the inner self, on the subtler levels.

This is how tapa generates spiritual energy and activates the latent divinity existing in the individual.

I had initiated my Brahmavarchas on the day of Vasant Panchami.

In one word, it is a confluence of theism and tapa.

Theism means adoption of a moral, righteous life; and

tapa means voluntary adoption of hardship, penance, austerity, for achievement of high ideals and altruistic endeavors.

Brahmavarchas Shodh Sansthan of our Mission is a symbol, a place where I want to demonstrate and teach the super-science of Brahmavarchas.