Monday, May 27, 2019

Lord Shiva and the Philosophy Associated with Him (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 28)


We discussed today the meaning and philosophy of the gross manifestations of Lord Shiva as described in the Puranas.

A large number of stories and descriptions are also available in the texts that lucidly illustrate the great teachings and philosophies of the other incarnations and manifestations of Hindu Gods.

There lived about 33 crore people on the Indian subcontinent in the Vedic Age. They were the true devotees, spiritually enlightened, virtuous men and women, who, because of their divine characteristics were revered as 33 crore devatas on this earth.

If we had tried to search and grasp the truth behind the teachings of the Puranas, and put into practice the Vedic philosophy, we also would have been like those pearls of the human society, and would have gloriously accomplished the divine purpose of our life.

We are lucky to have been born on this sacred land, which once upon a time was the Land of gods.

It can and should still regain its glory, if we, the devotees, the worshipers of the Vedic (Indian) Philosophy, sincerely adopt its values, and attempt towards spiritual elevation of our conduct, and refinement of the ambience around us.

Divine beings generate love, peace, beauty, piety, bliss and prosperity wherever they go. You should also adopt and expand such qualities.

I wish you all the success in your endeavors to proceed in this direction.

Thank you for listening with patience.