Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Lord Shiva and the Philosophy Associated with Him (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 08)


Teachings from Shiva's Idols in Human Form:

Lord Shiva's human-image is so beautifully depicted in the scriptures.

It depicts the sacred Ganga flowing through His hair lock.

But it is symbolic.

Here, Ganga represents the flow of pure knowledge.

Sheer common sense would tell us that a river or spring of water can't flow through one's hair, and if so, the person concerned would not be able to even stand or walk. Instead, he himself would get swept away along these currents.

The depiction of the Ganga of Knowledge on Shiva's head is also a philosophical teaching. It implies that if we are the true devotees of Lord Shiva, our feelings and thoughts should be pure, enlightened, and of superior quality.