Friday, July 26, 2019

The Spirit of Spring and Awakening of Kundalini (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 14)


I want to open my heart before you all on this Parva of Vasant Panchami:
- to share my loving compassion for humanity;
- to show you the spring of karuna that has erupted in my inner self;
- to tell you how much compassion is there in its deep folds to make every life noble;
- to let you see the indwelling divinity.

I want to distribute all these divine attributes among you as well.

You look at these, experience and test them, and if you have courage and quality, come forward and take these divine attributes from me – your Guru.

Take home:
some peace,
some greatness, and
everything that is noble, sublime, and glorious, from here.

I want to endow you also with the immense powers of shaktipata and kundalini that my Guru had blessed me with.

May you become worthy of these boons. This is what I wish for you all on this holy day.