Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Spirit of Spring and Awakening of Kundalini (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 09)


The religious shrines, the methods of worship and devotion are there to:
- to help condition our minds, our inner selves
- ponder over and experience His cosmic consciousness
- to know and link ourselves with the divine values.

The temples of Gayatri Mata, built by us, are symbols of the eternal teachings of Gayatri Vidya.

Gayatri means shraddha, viveka, karuna and pavitrata (pavitrata means piety of body, mind and heart).

You should keep the holy pictures of Goddess Gayatri, worship it, pray and meditate before Her with heartfelt devotion and faith.

This would gradually induce Her grace and virtues in you.

We all should adopt theism in practice and also spread it around us.

You all may begin with sincere devotional practices before Gayatri Mata's picture in your own house and also inspire your neighbors to do so.