Friday, January 18, 2019

Awakening Divinity in Man (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 15)


When our minds are cleansed of all impurities and perversions, our material and inner resources are augmented.

How many examples should I mention? The life of everyone who followed the ideal path of selfless service exemplifies this fact. They are true devotees in my view. I consider the worship and devotion of only those as true and worthwhile who could attract divine energies of their deity by the nobility of their character, by the magnetism of their virtues and by their single-minded determination at self-refinement.

When deities are happy with your worship, they bless you with the attributes of a divine being: enlightened wisdom, compassion and selfless service.

My concept of worship and divine blessings is somewhat different. I can say that a true devotee can attract divine energies by the force of his nobility; he can compel deities to help in pursuit of his noble aims. He can get Gods help whenever he asks as his right. God cannot ignore his call.