Thursday, May 16, 2019

Lord Shiva and the Philosophy Associated with Him (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 20)


If we look carefully and ponder over it, we will find that innumerable teachings are hidden in Lord Shiva's manifestations, as we see Him in the temples and religious stories.

We often find His depiction in human-like form, with a coating of ash on his body.

If we knew the righteous attitude of life and the ideal mode of living, the importance of this ash-coating would have been crystal clear to us.

Many of us put the bhasm (ash) of the sacred fire of yagya (agnihotra or homam) on our forehead with great reverence.

But do we know the meaning of this religious ritual?

The most important implication of smearing bhasm on any part of the body is to recall the Vedic teaching of "Bhasmantaka Goum Shariram" - this body is going to become (a heap of) ash one day.

That means, this body might either get mixed in the soil or water, or fly like the dust particles with the wind. This physical body of ours, which we are so proud of, and are so much attached to, is going to be crushed (with the soil) beneath others' feet one day.

If we are His true devotee, the bhasm on Shiva's body should constantly remind us of this ultimate reality, and therefore keep us away from the ego and attachments that arise because of our mistaken identity with the physical body.