Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Awakening Divinity in Man (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 07)

Our folly!

Man is an intelligent being but at times displays his foolishness more than his intelligence. I don't know from where he has developed the notion that Gods fulfill all desires; they bestow the boons of wealth, son, job, victory and what not. Unfortunately, this misconception has entered in the field of spirituality too. This delusion has caused great harm as it has deprived the deluded devotees of enormous benefits and bright possibilities of genuine spirituality. Deities have given only one thing in the ancient times and will give only one thing in the future too. As long as deities survive, devotion (to God) is sustained, and if the regularity of worship is maintained, one thing will be granted - divine virtues. If you are endowed with the virtues of divinity, then you will acquire far more glorious success than what you dream of and desire now.