Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Supreme Significance of the Gayatri Mantra (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 03)

(Source: http://literature.awgp.org/akhandjyoti/2003/May_Jun/v1.SupremeSignificanceGayatri)

The genesis and development of the knowledge of mantras has a deep scientific basis. The production of speech or pronunciation of sound involves specific vibrations of the vocal chord and the harmonious movements of the tongue, palate, lips, teeth etc. The grand network of nerves connected to these organs is spread across the body. Each phoneme, vowel or consonant uttered silently or spoken loudly affects this network in specific pattern as per the vibrations it generates.

Mantras are very special configurations of sounds or syllables. Accordingly, each mantra has specific patterns of enunciation or chanting. Mantras work on the yantra of our physical body and also on our energy-body, mind and the inner-self.