Saturday, February 2, 2019

The Supreme Significance of the Gayatri Mantra (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 07)


The Sanskrit word "upasana" means  "sitting nearby". Upasana of God means sitting in contemplation of divine attributes.
If a calf will not cling to its mother cow, how will it get the milk?
How will an iron piece be converted into gold without touching the Philosopher's Stone?
How will the soul be strengthened without a conscious awareness of God?
Upasana and devotion enable this linkage. The sublime contact with God is as essential and important for the awakening of our souls, as the pranic energy is for the existence and sustenance of life in our gross bodies. A person whose soul is not spiritually awakened, lives like a corpse or an animal in human form.

When the inner self of the devotee comes in contact with God's inspirations (during Gayatri Upasana), he opens his heart before Him and lays all his worries and problems before him. God listens to him, pacifies his agitations and fulfills his deserving aspirations. The Almighty also loosens the grip of the ego centered cravings, and instead, bestows grace and blessing on the sincere devotee. Divine blessings bestowed upon a sadhaka (spiritual seeker who sincerely performs spiritual practices for self-refinement - sadhana) include virtues like courage, contentment, alleviation and eventual elimination of mental weaknesses, removal of adversities and complexities, happy family life, social esteem and benevolence.

Most importantly, the vibrations and inspirations of the Gayatri Mantra also refine the mental and emotional domains of the sadhaka, and inculcate divine sentiments like altruistic love and compassion, and endow him with virtuous tendencies. This spiritual elevation gradually results in divine transformation of the sadhaka's personality.