Thursday, May 9, 2019

Lord Shiva and the Philosophy Associated with Him (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 14)


The images of Lord Shiva that we see in pictures, depict Him wearing a garland of skulls, and with dreaded cobras dangling around his neck.

The intimate company of deadly poisonous snakes reveals the secret of divinity, which is  love everyone; it can turn everyone, even the venomous cruel cobra like foes, into good friends. See, even the cobras live so amicably with Him! We should understand, and adopt this philosophy of a loving and fearless attitude.

The presence of a garland of skulls on the Lord's chest reminds us that the face, which we identify ourselves with, for which we feel so proud, and remain engaged in decorating and taking care of, is only a structure of bone. That is its sole reality.

We remain deluded and cheated by the covering of flesh and skin around it; not only that, we use cosmetics and what not, upon that skin, to make our face look beautiful.

But have we ever thought about its reality?

Just remove the illusive covering, and the fact will be obvious for everyone to see.

The garland of skulls conveys that we should not let the falsehood, and the associated silly attachments, cover up our Real Self.

We should learn this important lesson while worshiping Lord Shiva or sitting at His feet.