Saturday, July 6, 2019

The Spirit of Spring and Awakening of Kundalini (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 01)


(Translation of excerpts from the discourse on Vasanti Panchami day February 1981:
"Vasanti Hooka, Umang Aur Ullas Yadi Aa Jaye Jeevan Me")

Let us begin with the collective chanting of the Gayatri Mantra:

“Om Bhur Buvah Swah, TatsaviturvareƱyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi,
Dhiyo Yonah Pracodayat ||”

Sisters and Brothers,

I was referring to the umang – vibrant enthusiasm and ecstatic emotional thrust – generated in the spring. It emerges from within. It can't be stopped by any attempt. This is what spring brings in Nature.

A day of spring had also bestowed a divine umang upon Prince Siddharth. On the one side were his family, the enchanting joys, luxuries and powers of royal life, and on the other was the Call of Time Spirit, the cries of suffering humanity, agonized by ignorance and eradication of true religious values in the world.

The umang of Vasant (spring) awakened in his mind and guided him - if you want to spend your life blindly chasing happiness in worldly joys and attachments, you would have lived a meaningless life; anybody can do it - in fact everybody is doing only that; you should chose the path of awakened awareness.

This message of spring drove him towards the search for the path of deliverance from suffering, and eventually he succeeded in his search, and became The Buddha – The Awakened One.