Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Foundational Emblems of Indian Culture: Shikha and Sutra (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 13)


If we go to some college and ask the students whether they wear the sutra, they would look at us blankly. They would not have even heard about it.

It is not their fault. We have never bothered to tell them about these things.

How will we explain the meaning and purpose behind these symbols when we ourselves don't know it?

We have just shunned such things as signs of superstitions, blind faith and backwardness.

The braided or tied hairs of women have at least preserved the custom of shikha.

But look at the boys; they may have long hair as per the fashion, but maintaining the shikha! Just don't talk about it!!

On one hand we are running blindly after modernity, and on the other, we have let ourselves entrapped in blind customs in the name of religion; for example, in many parts of the Indian society, girls / women are deprived of chanting or even knowing the Gayatri Mantra; they can't wear or even touch the yagyopaveet (sutra).