Monday, April 8, 2019

Let the Spirit of Spring Permeate and Uplift Your Life (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 09)


I cannot describe in words the dreaded physical and mental ailments that I have seen people suffering from. Many come here to get rid of their beastly tendencies, the sinful life they have been living so far.

How to tell you, how contented (glad) I feel by helping them out, by liberating and uplifting their lives, by giving them happiness.

You see! All this is the astonishing power of awakened kundalini.

On the Vasant Panchami day every year I keep thinking that all of you present here should also share in my precious fortune and lead your lives to glorious heights; may your noble deeds and names become immortal on the golden pages of the annals of humanity.

Your life should rise above its present state of suffering and perversion.
You should be able to resolve all your problems yourself and also have the potential to help others in getting rid of their problems.

Then you will not have to come to me and beg - "Guruji! Kindly save me; remove my sufferings; etc."