Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Foundational Emblems of Indian Culture: Shikha and Sutra (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 14)


The military officers wear different kinds of stars/stripes/badges as signs of their rank; the police uniform also has different kinds of badges stitched on it, which reflect the identity of the rank / post / state, etc. of the wearer.

If any police or army personnel is found guilty of deviating from his duties, the first punishment is that his medals and badges are taken away. This is like wiping out his identity. No penalty would be more painful to him than losing his uniform.

The Christians wear a cross; few people would know that even the custom of wearing necktie had begun as a mark of wearing the thread-symbol of the holy cross.

The Sikhs keep kirpan (tiny sword), comb, and maintain their hair uncut; they also wear a turban.

Then what do the Hindus have as a sign of their identity of being the followers of the Vedic religion?

If a Hindu has left shikha and sutra, should not he/she be regarded as someone who has disowned his religion?

Friends! I am not telling you to become fundamentalists.

But I am trying to make you aware of the importance of the symbols of our cultural dignity, which our forefathers, the great seers and sages, the scientists of yoga and spirituality, had invented.

These are not only the symbols of the eternal values and disciplines suitable for men and women of all ages, in all eras, but also have scientific and spiritual relevance.

I have mentioned about these in some of my articles.

I have also requested the parijans of the Gayatri Pariwar to propagate these teachings in scientific light, with logical justifications, during the yagyas and other religious ceremonies.

If we explain the meaning, purpose and importance of these sacred symbols of our faith, there is no reason why our children, our acquaintances, would not respect and adopt these basic symbols of the Vedic culture.