Saturday, June 22, 2019

The Foundational Emblems of Indian Culture: Shikha and Sutra (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 17)


The japa of Gayatri Mantra with devotional meditation is carried out twice a day; preferably around the times of sunrise and sunset (this is also called sandhya vandan),

but the sutra (yagyopaveet, the symbol of Goddess Gayatri) is enshrined on the body all the twenty-four hours.

Doing japa or yagya, etc., has become a superficial ritual for most of us today, partly because we are not aware of their underlying philosophy and science, and partly because of our extrovert, selfish attitude, which always looks for materially gainful results.

We feel that doing this or that will bring worldly benefits, eliminate our sins, and what not!

Is this rational thinking?

Nothing will be bestowed upon you by doing all this.

Remember! Vedic scriptures do mention of miraculous effects and supernatural potentials associated with these sacraments, but these materialize only when we adopt the essential disciplines of sadhana connected with them.