Monday, April 15, 2019

Lord Shiva and the Philosophy Associated with Him (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 02)


Their idols, which we worship in the temples by offerings of flowers, kumkum, etc. are only symbols to help us focus our faith and devotion. The rituals of worship are also symbolic.

We have to clearly understand that the key to receiving divine grace lies in shraddha and vishwasa.

 "Yabhyam Bina Na Pashyanti" - without which, no one, not even a siddha, can have a vision of the indwelling Divinity.

I recall here a story from the Puranas that explains the above fact more clearly.

The anecdote (pertains to the pre-historic time before the Era of Lord Ram):

"Once upon a time, when Rishi Parashuram learnt that the world was suffering from anarchy, corruption, injustice, exploitation and immorality in every walk of life, he could not sit like a silent observer. In reflective silence he prayed for guidance and light to be able to find an effective remedy.

He retired to Uttarkashi and engaged himself in rigorous worship of Lord Shiva. Pleased by his tapa, Lord Shiva blessed him with an angelic axe (parshu), and bid him to use it for the eradication and uprooting of all the evils and vices that had spread in the society of that time. Indeed, Parashuram did liberate the earth from all the evil forces and immoral trends; nothing could stand before the infinite might of Shiva's weapon".