Friday, March 29, 2019

Let the Spirit of Spring Permeate and Uplift Your Life (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 01)


Translation of Excerpts from the Discourse on Vasant Panchami Day February 1981: "वासंती हूक, उमंग और उल्लास यदि आ जाए जीवन में"

Let us begin with a collective chanting of the Gayatri Mantra:
"Om Bhur Buvah Swah, Tatsaviturvarenyam, Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi, Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat ||"

Sisters and Brothers,

"Vasant Panchami" (auspicious fifth day, of the month "Magha", of the Indian lunar Calendar) marks the emergence of Spring.

It is the day of enthusiasm, inspiration, inner illumination.

The advent of Spring sparks an awakening and exultation in Nature, in all living beings.

Such a Spring had brought about a sea-change in the life of Samarth Guru Ramdas (the noble Guru of Chhatrapati Shivaji) in his early youth.

"Can't I make a better use of my life?" - was what he was pondering over at that time.

There, his family was busy in preparations of his marriage, and here in some corner of the house, he began to see the consequences - wife, then children, then children of the children, their marriages and so on.

His awakened soul instantly warned - Is this what you are born for? Look at the dignity of your life; there could be another path, the path worthy of greatness! With this he began to realize the majestic value, the purpose of his life.

This was the moment of great transformation, quantum leap, in his life. Such was the force of this exaltation that he did not look back, and continued to rise higher and higher in his life. Nothing could stop him; he cast away the bridegroom's costumes from his body and ran away in search of the path of ultimate light.

So, what did this emotional splash of Spring do?

It transformed an ordinary boy, a teenager, into a great spiritual master, a saint, an immortal Guru.

Spring induces some kind of umang (inspiring enthusiasm and enchanting, enlightening emotional thrust) in every heart. Its nature and extent depends upon what we deserve.