Saturday, May 25, 2019

Lord Shiva and the Philosophy Associated with Him (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 27)


Be Blessed by Shiva's Grace:

The Almighty God of Hindu religion, for whom we observe fast on Shivaratri, perform japa, ceremonial worship, sacred ablution (abhisheka), and what not, can't He, the Omnipotent, destroy all evils and eliminate our adversities?

Can't He help us in our progress?

He indeed can and He will, if we are His deserving devotees.

He loves all of us and wants to bestow all His grace upon us; but it is our infirmities, our vices that hinder or limit the flow of His blessings.

His grace is like the water-laden clouds.
(The clouds shower the treasure of rains, without discrimination, wherever they fall)

But how much water a pond or a pot would collect from the rain, depends upon its own capacity.

If we deserve, we will surely be blessed by Shiva's enormous generosity.

His blessings will continue to grow, as our abilities, our merits increase, and we shall get everything that a true devotee of Shankar deserves.