Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Purpose and Significance of Pilgrimage (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 04)


But what about the actions?

What is required to be done on this front of spiritual development?

Refinement of personality by dedicated sadhanas, and selfless service for the welfare of others, adoption of generous, altruistic attitude in daily life are essential components of the yoga of action.

It is these kinds of karmas that correspond to what is referred in the religious terminology as punyas.

Progress on both fronts is necessary for washing out the sins, and attainment of auspicious qualities and divine grace.

Connection between the two poles of electricity is essential for the flow of current in a circuit. Similarly, the harmonious conjunction of both Gyana and Karma leads to fulfillment of devotion and righteousness, which then effectuates the supernormal attainments or siddhis of spiritual elevation.

Tirthas were created in the ancient times to provide the motivating energy and atmosphere for transcending and transmuting both Gyana and Karma into the supreme state of self-realization.