Monday, July 1, 2019

The Foundational Emblems of Indian Culture: Shikha and Sutra (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 24)


1. industriousness
2. humility
3. austerity
4. orderliness
5. cooperation
6. wisdom
7. integrity of character
8. sense of responsibility
9. courage

These nine qualities open the door to a bright, happy and successful life.

Inculcation of these qualities induces eminent transformation of personality.

These are also the most desired virtues for social and global welfare and progress.

The first five of these deal with behavior and deeds.

Industriousness means constructive utilization of time and potentials, with diligence and enthusiasm for the work in hand.

Humility implies modesty, etiquette, and balanced and humble behavior, with due respect for the self, as well as for others.

Austerity includes piety of mind and body. It also means adopting the principle of "simple living and high thinking" in daily life.

You must note that foresighted, constructive and altruistic use of the resources becomes possible by observing austerity in personal life.