Monday, April 22, 2019

Lord Shiva and the Philosophy Associated with Him (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 06)


One day, mother Yashoda was scolding Lord Krishna in His childhood, because despite her repeated admonishments, the kid had again eaten soil. Krishna innocently replied that he had not eaten any soil; he opened his mouth before Yashoda as a proof of his innocence. When the mother peeped in His mouth, she was stunned to see the entire cosmos, the revolving galaxies, the infinite life forms, the gamut of Nature's manifestations there. Lord Ram had also done a similar feat, as cited in the holy Ramayana, when He showed His limitless self, His cosmic form to Kag Bhushundi, the great devotee in the form of a crow.