Friday, May 24, 2019

Lord Shiva and the Philosophy Associated with Him (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 26)


The word "Shiva" in Sanskrit means highest good.

Lord Shiva (Shiva) is the presiding Deity of eternal, auspicious well-being of all creation.

But we, the so-called worshipers of Shiva, never even think of global good.
(Forget about global, we don't even attempt to expand the narrow domain of our selfish interests, and engage ourselves in altruistic service and upliftment of the needy around us).

We keep chanting "Om Namah Shivaya", but don't bother to know its meaning; in reality, 'Shiva' is far away from our lives.

We don't even know what is the true well-being of our soul or our own life, and how to attain it?

The japa (rhythmic chanting) of Shiva's name will bestow blessings if "Shiva" (Highest Good) is embodied in our attitude, aspirations, thoughts and deeds.

It is time we realize that worshiping only the external, gross form is no better than not doing anything at all.