Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Foundational Emblems of Indian Culture: Shikha and Sutra (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 20)


I hope the Gayatri Pariwar, all of you, my children, the future of this nation, will take up this task of social reformation and cultural awakening through the religious platform.

I am happy that the Gayatri Pariwar has given boost to my initial efforts in this regard and we have been able to eliminate, to a great extent, the misconceptions about Yagya and Gayatri.

We have been able to remove the barriers of so-called caste, creed and discrimination on the basis of gender and social status.

Anybody interested in religious philosophy, humane culture, and desirous of self-refinement and enlightenment can participate in social and religious programs of the Gayatri Pariwar.