Monday, June 10, 2019

The Foundational Emblems of Indian Culture: Shikha and Sutra (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

(Post 10)


Shikha and Sutra:

What are the emblems of this divine culture (the Rishi Culture / the Indian Culture) that remind us of its principles and disciplines to be followed in human life?

These are Shikha and Sutra - the idols of Gayatri that are enshrined in the temple of the human body.

[Shikha is a knot of hair, tied at the crown-point (right above the suture) on the central top of the head; this point is given distinctive importance in the science of yoga and spirituality, as the point of contact with the brain-centre of intellectual and emotional sensitivity.]

[Sutra is the sacred thread, also called yagyopaveet, which is worn on the shoulders and the chest after the sacrament of upanayana or thread-ceremony.]

Shikha symbolizes the presence of discerning intellect, farsightedness and the deity of knowledge upon our head.

It is a flag of human culture.

It reminds us of the religious principles of morality, righteousness, responsibility and dutiful awareness.