Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Let the Spirit of Spring Permeate and Uplift Your Life (Translation of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

 (Post 04)


A tiny fish traverses the great depths and lengths of the oceans against the direction of the flow of water.

Similar is the case of awakened consciousness. No resistance, no obstacle, howsoever mighty, can ever hinder or deflect its chosen path.

In ordinary case, one can't even imagine how difficult it is to follow an ideal against the worldly trends of selfish pursuits.

One has to face uncountable obstructions, challenges, dangers and immeasurable resistance from multiple directions:
    - the pressures and attractions of attachment with family, friends;
    - the fears of society, and what not;
    - above all, one's own weaknesses, ingrained habits and intrinsic tendencies make it almost impossible for one to proceed along the path of noble ideals.

One who can do that is indeed spiritually empowered in my view. 

This is the spiritual force that my angelic master had bequeathed to me by his shaktipata.